Tax Power™ U.S. Tax & Business Advisory Services and Solutions
Andy Powers-A Professional who cares..About YOU!
IRS Due Diligence for Tax Professionals - Please go to H&R Block Today I prepared a tax return for a friends single parent daughter who lives in Putnam County, NY earning less than $40,000 struggling to support her 14 year old daughter. Despite the high cost of living in the area her net disposable income is the equivalent of someone earning $20,000 in other parts of the nation however she was entitled to a whopping $4 Earned Income Credit. Because of this credit I, as a tax professional, had to complete and file with the IRS Form 8867 answering 37 questions regarding her eligibility for the $4 credit plus obtain from her several documents to prove that she was who she claimed to be, plus that her daughter was hers and live with her. What used to be a 15 minute tax return took over an hour to complete including scanning and securely filing those documents. After it was completed I did not have the heart to even charge her to prepare and file the return. Imagine, over an hour because of a $4 subsidy credit. I would have rather not done the form and gave her $4 out of my pocket. My dad, who used to prepare tax returns for people in the Bronx, told me there would be the day when we would have to do the work that the government should be doing and not get paid for it. The time has come. So from now on, anyone who has a tax return like this has my blessing to go to H&R Block as I refuse to spend this amount of time, plus assume the legal exposure connected with it, and not get paid. Why did I do the return for free? Because I would rather help a friend for free than charge what my time is worth because of government beurocracy. |
Copyright © 1999-2015 IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE: To ensure compliance with recently enacted U.S. Treasury Department regulations, we hereby advise you that any and all tax information contained in this website should not be considered as tax advice nor intended for the use of any taxpayer for the purpose of evading or avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed pursuant to U.S. law. Furthermore, the use of any tax information contained in this communication has neither been written nor intended for the purpose of promoting, marketing, or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, and such taxpayer should seek advice on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. The information contained throughout this web site is provided without charge, and although all efforts have been made to ensure the reliability of the information contained in this internet web site, the information contained herein should be used for general understanding only and should not be relied upon exclusively as the basis of any tax or financial decisions or for any positions taken on any tax return. Advice should only be obtained directly through the retention of a competent tax advisor. Tax Power is an established trademark of Powers & Company, Inc. and Powers Tax Services since 1999. Unauthorized use of the phrase Tax Power without expressed permission of Powers & Company, Inc. will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Last modified: January 15, 2015 The articles, guides and published information contained in this website is protected by U.S. copyright laws and cannot be reproduced in any form without the expressed permission.. Visitors since
January 1, 2010